Finding the Floor - A thoughtful approach to midlife motherhood and what comes next.

Decluttering tips and a polar vortex story

Camille Johnson Episode 207

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 When you look for trash that shows your brain that it is easy to declutter.  In this episode I share a few more decluttering tips as well as a story about the effects on your pipes due to the extreme cold or the polar vortex.  I found a couple of great tips I am passing on in this episode from the Clutterbug.  One of the tips is when you don’t feel like decluttering, grab a trash bag and just start looking for trash that you can throw away.   She says it gets your brain going in the right mode.  I mention my experiment with this tip plus also share a couple of other ones.  Then I tell a story about the polar vortex, which we had this week and the temperature was as low as -18 degrees F.  We had a pipe burst while out of town and how our kids were great at dealing with the problem while we were sitting on a cruise ship for our anniversary.  A short episode today, nothing mind blowing but a few usable tips and a story.  

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I would love to hear from you! You can reach me at or dm @findingthefloor on instagram. Thanks for listening!!

Thanks to Seth Johnson for my intro and outro original music. I love it so much!